Cognitive Neuroscience


The qualia initiative


Ken Mogi


kenmogi @ (please delete space)

twitter: @kenmogi


Last updated 22nd May 2019

This site is always under construction!

Mission Statement

Qualia are the subjective sensory qualities like "the redness of red" that accompany our perception. Elucidating the neural basis of qualia is central in understanding the principles of the "integrated parallelism" in cortical information processing. The so-called "binding problem" is a typical aspect of the above mentioned "integrated parallelism". My research is focused on the mathematical formulation of qualia, and its implementation in novel artificial computing processes. Here, it is essential to obtain the space-time structure characterizing our perceptual processes from the causal relationship between neural firings, and to understand the symmetries involved in the neural basis of qualia.

The Qualia Manifesto


The Qualia Journal

Go to PubMed search

Representative Research Interests (descriptions and resources available sometime soon)

Qualia, free will, subjective perception of time, mircoslips, artificial and natural intelligence, paersonality, attachment, secure base, theory of mind, cognitive development, fluctuation and adaptability, neural correlates of consciousness, minimal model of subjectivity, visual awareness, binocular rivalry, change blindness, stochastic intereference, graphic transformation method, neuroeconomics, dynamical editing of memory, social construction of the self, the neuroscience of happiness, territorial disputes, metacognition of the phenomenology of consciousness, etc.

Video Conference Talks, etc


Closer to Truth interviews on consciousness


The narrowness of artificial intelligence. TEDx Tokyo talk


Cognitive factors correlating with the metacognition of free will

(Talk given at Towards a Science of Consciousness conference in Tucson, 2014)


Publications (You can download the PDF file of some papers)


Ishikawa, T., Toshima, M., & Mogi, K. (2019). How and when? Metacognition and solution timing characterize an “aha” experience of object recognition in hidden figures. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1023. pdf

Takano, T., & Mogi, K. (2019). Adult attachment style and lateral preferences in physical proximity. Biosystems. 181,  88-94. pdf

Hoshino, E., & Mogi, K. (2017). Multiple processes in two-dimensional visual statistical learning. PloS one, 12(2), e0172290. pdf

Herai, T. and Mogi. K. (2014) Perception of temporal duration affected by automatic and controlled movements. Consciousness and Cognition 29, 23–35 pdf


Mogi, K. (2014) Free will and paranormal beliefs. Frontiers in Psychology 5, 00281. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00281 pdf


Mogi, K. (2013) Cognitive factors correlating with the metacognition of the phenomenal properties of experience. Scientific Reports 3, Article number: 3354 doi:10.1038/srep03354  pdf


Sudo, T., Herai, T, and Mogi, K. (2012) Egocentric mental transformation of self: Effects of spatial relationship in mirror-image and anatomic imitation. Experimental Brain Research. 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s00221-012-3143-3.  pdf

Ishikawa, T. and Mogi, K.  (2011) Visual one-shot learning as an ‘anticamouflage device’: a novel morphing paradigm. COGNITIVE NEURODYNAMICS Volume 5, Number 3 (2011), 231-239, DOI: 10.1007/s11571-011-9171-z pdf

Takano, T and Mogi, K. (2011) The feeling of what happens in a game. Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science and Humanity IPEDR vol.5, V1-151-V-155 pdf

Toshima, M., Ishikawa, T. and Mogi, K. (2011) Spaces Enhance Word Segmentation and Comprehension in Tacit Reading. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN2011), Part I, LNCS 6675, 76-82. pdf

Herai, T. and Mogi, K. (2010) Effect of Numeric Order on Subjective Duration of Following Stimulus. Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems, Vol 11, No 3. 19-23  pdf

Hoshino, E. and Mogi, K. (2010) Evidence for False Memory before Deletion in Visual Short-Term Memory Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, Volume 6443/2010, 255-261, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-17537-4_32pdf

Yanagawa, T. and Mogi, K. (2009) Analysis of ongoing activities in neural networks. Neuroscience Research 64 77–184. pdf

Sekine, T. and Mogi, K. (2009) Distinct neural processes of bodily awareness in crossed fingers illusion. Neuroreport 20, 467-472. pdf

Sudo, T. & Mogi. K. (2008) Mechanism of perceptual categorization in the pre-linguistic period. IEICE transactions, in press.

Omata, K. & Mogi, K. (2008)  Fusion and combination in audio-visual integration. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A 464, 319–340. pdf

Zhang, Q. and Mogi, K. (2007) REPRESENTATION OF 3-D VOLUMETRIC OBJECT FROM THE PANTOMIME EFFECT AND SHADING CUES IN HUMAN BRAIN, International Journal of Pattern Recognitionand Artificial Intelligence Vol. 21, 1307–1322. . pdf

Hoshino, E., Taya, F., and Mogi, K. (2007) Memory formation of object representation : natural scenes. Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics ICCN 2007 (2008): 457-461. pdf

Tanabe, F. and Mogi. K. (2006) Lability of Reactivated Human Declarative Memory. Proceedings of the ICONIP 2006, 147-154

Omata, K. & Mogi, K. (2005) Audiovisual integration in Dichotic listening. INTERSPEECH-2005, 1717-1720. abstract and pdf

Sudo, T. & Mogi, K. (2005) Perceptual and Linguistic Category Formation in Infants.  INTERSPEECH-2005, 1717-1720. abstract and pdf

Onzo, A. and Mogi, K. (2005) Dynamics of betting behavior under flat reward condition. International Journal of Neural Systems 15, 93-99. (2005) pdf file

Taya, F. and Mogi, K. (2005) Spatio-temporal dynamics of the visual system revealed in binocular rivalry. Neuroscience Letters 381 (1-2): 63-68. pdf file

Taya, F. and Mogi, K. (2004) The variant and invariant in perception. Forma, 19, pp.25-37. pdf file

Onzo, A. and Mogi, K. (2004) Cognitive Process of Emotion under Uncertainty.(2004) Procedings of ICONIP 2004, 300-305

Mogi, K. (2003) The easy and hard problems in cognitive science. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cognitive Science (Sydney, July 2003) pp.439-443


Sudo. T. & Mogi, K. (2003) Pre-linguistic category formation in infants. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cognitive Science (Sydney, July 2003)

Zhang, Q., Idesawa, M. & Mogi, K. (2002) 3D Volumetric object perception in binocular vision. Proceedings of ICONIP 2002 pp. 55- 59 pdf

Yanagawa, T., Taya, F. and Mogi, K. (2002) The Spatial Basis of neural representation. Proceedings of the ICONIP 2002, in press pdf

Mitsudo, Y. and Mogi, K. (2002) Real Eye Communicator:An Eye-mediated real world pointing device. Pervasive 2002 (Zurich, Switzerland August 2002) pdf

Mogi, K. (2001) Towards a systematic turn in cognitive neuroscience. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Measurement, Analysis and Modeling of Human Functions. (ISHF 2001) pp. 67-72.

Mitsudo, Y. & Mogi, K. (2001) Real Eye Communicator:A Pointing Device for Real World Computing. Proceedings of the International Symposium:Toward a Development of KANSEI technology. pp.227-230.

Mogi, K. Supervenience and qualia. Comment on Gold, I. & Stoljar, D. A neuron doctrine in the philosophy of neuroscience. Behavioural and Brain Sciences. 22(5). pp.84-85 (1999)

Mogi, K & Barlow, H B. The source of variability in neural responses from MT. Journal of Physiology (1999), 515.P, 101P

Mogi, K. (1998) Graphic Transformation Method applied to Asymmetric Neural Networks. Technical Report of IEICE. NC98-23, HIP98-14. p.103-110. pdf file

Mogi, K. (1997) Qualia and the Brain. Book Published from Nikkei Science, Tokyo. Synopsis of the Book in English


Mogi, K. (1997) Response Selectivity, Neuron Doctrine, and Mach's Principle in Perception. The Austrian Society for Cognitive Science Technical Report 97-01. (also published in Mogi, K. (1999) Response Selectivity, Neuron Doctrine, and Mach's Principle of Perception in Riegler, A. & Peschl, M. (eds.) Understanding Representation in the Cognitive Sciences. New York: Plenum Press pdf

Mogi, K. & Tamori, Y. (1997) Creativity and the neural basis of Qualia. Proceedings of Mind II conference, Dublin, Ireland, September 1997.pdf

Mogi, K. (1994) Multiple-valued energy function in neural networks with asymmetric connections. Phys. Rev. E 49, p.4616-4626.pdf

Mogi, K. (1994) On the absolute meaning of energy scale ~kT in the thermal interference involved in enzyme coupled reactions. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond A 445, p.529-541.pdf

Mogi, K. (1993) Mogi, K. (1993) Graphic Analysis of Coupling in Biological Systems. J.theor. Biol. 162, p.337-352. pdf

Mogi, K. (1993) Involvement of Thermal Interference in the Multiple Working Strokes Per Hydrolyzed ATP Observed in Muscle Contraction. Proceedings of the Japan Academy Ser. B: Physical and Biological Sciences Vol. 69 (1993) No. 8 227-232 pdf