These are records of dreams that I had.
おじさんが私のいるところに歩いてくる。私は、ちょうど、電話で叔父さんの奥さんに、「無事着きました」という報告をしていたので、「ああ、今ちょうど見えました」と言っておじさんにかわる。その時おじさんの姿を初めて見たが、髭や眉毛が濃く、極端に言うと栗のような格好をした精悍で粘着質そうな表情。電話に向かって、「ああ、無事着いたよ。それにしても、降りてすぐに酒があってよかったよ。」となまりの強い言葉で話している。それを聞いていて、あれ、おじさんはどこから打ち上がったんだっけ? と考えていると、宮城県から打ち上がって、ちょうど上に凸の放物線を描いて関東に落ちてくる軌跡が見える。そうか、意外と長い距離を移動したんだなと思う。
突然英字新聞の囲みくらいの大きさの記事が目に浮かんで、American interest in the one man made "space rocket" fades. と書かれている。どうやら、アメリカはおじさんの偉業に並々ならぬ関心を持っていたらしいが、何らかの理由で急に関心をなくしたらしい。もう一つ、国際的な保険会社が、何らかの理由でおじさんに巨額の支払いを要求されているらしい。彼らは、これは国の名誉にかかわる問題だと言って拒否しているらしい。それで、ああ、おじさんは、国家だけにロケットが独占されている状況に風穴をあけようとしてロケットを作ったんだなあと思いあたる。同時に、これは「国際反骨」だという言葉が思い浮かぶ。何故か、国際反骨という言葉の感じが面白くて、自分で感じ入っていると目が覚めた。
私は、この様子は今ごろラジオで日本にも知らされているに違いないと思う。父親はそのニュースを聞いて、どう思うだろうか? それにしても、男の持っていたピストルの、ありふれたデザインなのに、そのメタリックな光沢や醸し出す雰囲気が、いかにも未来からのものであることが印象に残る。
My house is on the banks of a lake. I am looking at the lake from up in the sky. There is a rectangular house in the center of the lake.The water is surrounding all around the house. It looks like the last scene of Solaris. The only difference being that no land is visible around the house, water surrounding the house without any gap. The house has a blue roof. I hear an announcer reading the news from the radio. They have apparently built the community meeting house in the middle of the lake. Then, after they finish building the house, they plan to let the water out. Although the house appear to be above water, it is actually at the bottom of the lake. I find myself wondering what kind of use they would have for a community meeting place located in such a middle-of-nowhere land.
I am watching the water-filled bath-tub in my house. The inspiration occurs to me that if I pull the stopper of the bath-tub and drain the water, the same thing would happen to the lake. The water will go out and landscape under water would appear. The thought of my small act causing such a macroscopic effect frightens me, but I pull the stopper out and drain the bath-tub. When I look out of the window, I find that surely the water has begun to recede. Not only within the lake, but also in the valley. People have been waiting for the water to recede. As the water goes away, a civilized landscape appear, with roads and human made structures, which have been hidden beneath the water. People begin to walk around in the newly exposed land.
After draining the lake I go away from the house for a long period of time. (maybe 5 years). When I come back, I have the feeling that I have forgotten something for such a long time. I remember. I used to keep a dragon in one of the towers. I am almost afraid to go there, but I go. I open the iron door that leads to where the dragon is, and I find him crouched in the dungeon. When he sees me, he opens up his wings and rubs his face against me. He has been here waiting for me for all those years, and a great wave of emotion fills my heart. The dragon is about 3 meters high, has a ebonite-brownish color, and has a appearance of being made of rubber.
I look out of the window of the tower with the dragon, and I catch the sight of beautiful green leaves that are shone on by the sunshine. A sense of euphoria fills my heart.
Francis Crick is walking along the bank of a river. The bank is covered with golden simmering sand. In the distance, you can see a rich forest. The atmosphere is that of an subtropic land. Francis Crick is being interviewed about his "panspermia" hypothesis, that life originated not here on earth, but came from outer space. Surprisingly, The invisible interviewer (we hear his voice only) is Francis Crick himself! Watching Francis Crick, I think to myself "what essential difference does the panspermia hypothesis make?" and I conclude "it makes difference only so far as that life might have originated in an environment different from those found on the surface of the earth. There can be some "bottleneck" in the genesis of life, and that bottleneck might be only surpassed in a environment foreign to the earth. That special environment would act like a catalyst..."
As these thoughts occur to me, my vision sweeps away from Francis Crick and the river bank, to the left, where I find a gentle, peaceful stretch of an ocean. I see a strange flying object approaching from the distance. It is shaped in a oblique box-like form, with a nozzle bent by 90 degrees protruding from one corner. The nozzle seems to be the floating and moving devise. As I see the object in the same direction as the sun (gyakko), I cannot see its colour. It appears jetblack. As it comes to my left side, it rapidly slows down and lands on the beach. A man appears from it. During its flight, I have seen two black figures on the beach. Now that the flying object has landed, I direct my attention to these men. They appear to be dressed in an very exotic attire, and I realize that I am in the Islamic world. The man who has descended from the flying machine complains something like these two men being beggars. The man in the flying machine is superior to these two Islams.
Now the whole history of the man in the flying machine and the native people of this Islamic land comes into my mind. The native people recognize the superiority of the flying man, and whenever they see the flying machine, they salute by raising their special cane, which is bent like the handle of an umbrella. First the flying man likes the salute, but as it happens ever so often, he gets tired of returning salute every time he spots a native man on the beach. So the flying man invents a saluting devise. He attaches a mirror on the bottom of the flying machine, so that a saluting native can be spotted. Moreover, he puts a hat at some distance from the head by attaching it to the top of the rod protruding from his headgear. The idea is that the hat is constantly "raised" to indicate salute. The original hat was coloured in red. Now, the native people gets fascinated by the sight of the saluting hat. So commercial manufactures begin to sell "saluting hat headgear". I see the image of a poster with three men in a row, each equipped with the latest "saluting hat headgear". I see the three hats floating in alignment above the three heads of natives.
The above history of the saluting hat occurs in my mind within a few seconds. I say to myself, "now I know why people wear hats at all. The essence is to raise the hat in order to salute. That is the only reason why people wear hats!"
Now my thoughts return to the origin of life. I watch the tranquil, gentle ocean peacefully waving its way. I see small islands. My heart is filled with bliss to watch such a beauty of nature. There are three particularly small rocks in the middle of the ocean, and the wave almost runs over the tops of these rocks. As I watch the wave movement around the three rocks, an enigmatic understanding of the harmony in nature comes into my mind.
Then I suddenly see this most beautiful green hill by the seashore with shrubs here and there on its slope. The shrubs can be seen by spots, just like a herd of sheep in the green hills of south England. The sun is shining, and the green is illuminating. Then the history of a theory of erosion comes into my mind. Apparently, some 100 years ago, people had this theory that erosion would destroy eventually all the land on earth. They reasoned that the surface sedimentation rich in nutrition will be gradually washed down to the sea, so that the land will become increasingly sterile, until there is no life on earth. I laugh at this alarmist prospect. I say to myself. They did not know that the eroded surface will sediment on the ocean floor, and the ocean floor will eventually be raised above water, so that new land is formed, and the process of vegetation and life can begin all over again. They did not know the whole cycle of geological life! My heart is filled with a sense of a future in harmony as my view slowly scans the glorious green hill by the sea.
The whole sequence of this dream should have taken less than a minute. And I think I have never heard of the erosion theory of the fate of the life on earth in my waking life.
I am climbing up a particularly narrow and steep path in the mountain. It is approaching night. At some point, the path makes an almost zigzag turn. First I think I am alone in the path, but later I realize there is one rural girl clothed in dark blue kimono in front of me. I look back, and to my horror, I discover a black bear coming up the path I just came up. The distance to the bear is no more than 10 meters. There is another rural female walker between me and the bear, and when she sees the bear, she panics and tries to go up the side slope of the path, and the bear comes in this direction. I stand still, quite frightened, in the hope that if I stand still the bear will not disturb me. The bear comes sniffing to me. As it almost touches me, I realize that it is not a bear, it is actually a black poodle. Its size also shrinks from a bear size into a poodle size. I am relieved, and wonder why on earth I thought it was a bear in the first place.
In the same mountain range, there is a huge castle, and I find myself inside the castle. I see no trace of human in the castle. I am trying to go up to the top, where the master of the castle is supposed to reside.
The interior of the castle is magnificently decorated. I come to a rectangularly shaped corridor. It goes around the base of the tower which is the highest part of the castle. I try to find the way up to the tower, but I suddenly realize that there is no way further up. Actually, the tower and the basement building that hosts the corridor are physically separate. I visually confirm this as my point of view floats upward and see the magnificent columns aligned on the exterior of the tower flowing down in front of me. The columns go all the way up to the top of the tower, so there is no physical contact between the building I am presently in and the tower.
I figure that there must be secret stairs hidden somewhere, and I begin to search. I go to one of the four rectangular protrusions attached to the corridor. I see a pair of mirrors facing each other on the wall. Taking a guess, I push the left mirror. Sure enough, the mirror rotates, and a dark, spiraling series of stairs are revealed. Somehow I do not feel like going up them, and I push the other mirror on the right as well. The mirror rotates, and yet another series of spiraling stairs are revealed. Now the situation become complicated, because you are not sure which spiral to go up.
My quest to the top did not succeed, and I find myself outside the castle. A sweep lady is talking to me. She says that up in the tower, there are 1000 rooms, and the master holds prisoners at his pleasure, and you are not sure when you will be released once you get caught. So I am told I was very lucky not to be held at all. I think to myself, gee, how is it possible to have 1000 rooms in that small tower?
I am looking at the highest peak of the mountain range. It is a quite massive chunk of rock, and it is towering in front of me in a menacing manner. There is a silvery shining path sloping straight up to the very top of this huge rock. The silvery shine comes from the reflection of the sun. I remember that the path used to be invisible, because there was a huge glacier hiding it the last time I saw it. The ice has melted. Now the shining path is before me as if it challenges me to climb all the way up to the rocky top. I ponder if I can make it or if I dare it.
I am standing in the middle of a vast desert. I am working for a brick company, and I have persuaded somehow the company to buy a huge balloon in which to travel around the world. I just want to have an adventure on the balloon, but I tell the company executives that I intend to use the balloon for public relations purposes for the company. I put a huge ad for the company on the balloon.
I set off, and see around. I am supposed to be in the middle of the desert, but I see these cylindrical clouds here and there in the plane. These clouds, I remember, I once heard that they appear in the tropics, and when the airplane flies in these areas, they avoid these columns of clouds. If you enter one of these clouds, you are likely to encounter thunderstorms and so on. But gee, I think to myself. This is supposed to be a desert. How come these clouds are here? Then I realize that these cylindrical chunks are actually huge wooden constructs, not clouds. One question thus dissolves itself. But then another arises. Who built these huge constructions? And for what purpose?